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“Vegan food is expensive!” OKAY, I hear you! I’ve said it too but it doesn’t have to be.
There’s likely “accidentally vegan” items you already eat, and then, of course, plants aren’t that expensive, and if we compare going out (yes, even fast-food) costs to cooking at home, there’s really no debate on which is cheaper.
Now, if you go down the route of vegan junk-food or specialty items, then yeah, your wallet might be hurting. But plant centered foods can definitely help that wallet stay plump and full.
Good news is, I’ll share with you my own tips on helping the costs stay low and recommend a few apps you can use to save money!
My favorite meal for taco nights is simple, easy and cheap to make, and I’ve found that I can make more servings of food eating at home than I ever can going out to eat.
Eating foods that bless your body and mind are not as expensive as you might think!
Beans, legumes, pasta and produce are some of the cheapest ingredients you can buy inside the grocery store and yet they go a very long way in the kitchen. If you rely more on processed foods (in general), then you will find it more expensive in cost but also in health.
So, let’s dive into ways that can keep costs low at the store.

First, have a budget and…
I’m sure you’ve heard this before but I’ll say it again… Write. A. List.
Keeping a list is one of the best ways to keep yourself accountable at the grocery store and make sure everything you buy is accounted for. If you prepare and plan what you’re going to eat for the days ahead, you’ll likely reduce food waste, time, effort and your wallet will be happy!
I find without a list that I buy things I don’t need, or won’t use right away. So, take a smidge of time to write a list, it’s helpful!
Buy those specialty vegan products when they go on sale and buying in-season veggies and produce will likely keep costs lower as well. Create a well-rounded list of whole foods like lentils, beans, nuts, rice, and flours you can buy to create a plethora of other meals but they also store well and are one of the cheapest foods you can buy.
If you have a pantry, or a freezer, then when items go on sale you can store more for later.
When COVID-19 and the pandemic first hit, I felt very fortunate to look into my cabinets and see a stockpile of beans, flour, spices, oatmeal and more. I didn’t have to race to the store immediately but I did quickly learn that tofu goes FAST during a pandemic!
Not gonna lie, it was cool to know there were so many others who love Tofu, too!
A freezer is awesome because you can buy on sale, freeze for later or create meals in batches (like this tomato soup) for busy weeks and months ahead. Heck, even years! I grew jalapenos that I didn’t use so I froze them for later in a ziploc baggy.
You also might find frozen fruits and vegetables being cheaper than fresh, so maybe try frozen for your smoothies or other recipes.
If you don’t have a place to pick berries or go to a farmers market then I watch stores for when strawberries (or other fruits) are on sale so I can freeze them for my smoothies. I also do this for my garden veggies if I have a surplus.
I love buying groceries at Winco, so if you have one near you, start utilizing it or find a place similar in your area. It’s my first spot for buying nuts, rice, beans, oats, peanut butter, and more through the bulk section. Some of the stores even have spices in bulk so you can get a little or a lot which helps keep costs down for when you’re growing your spices and pantry items.
What’s wonderful about stores that allow purchasing groceries by the pound is that it allows you to buy an amount that makes sense for you and your family. See if you can find a local grocer that has a bulk section you can check out and start saving today!
I am very fortunate to have a store called Grocery Outlet in my area, which is a discounted grocery store, where I find a lot of great deals on vegan yogurts, ice cream, veggie meats and cheeses.
See if there’s one near you and start browsing the aisles for cheap foods (be sure to check the expiration dates!).

When I used to coupon on a lot, my balance on Ibotta would rack up quickly and in one year I cashed out over $200!
I like it because you can save on new vegan products, and when I check it frequently I’m stoked on the new items I get to try while saving money. I’ve scored rebates for free vegan jerky, money back on milk, candy, beyond meat and more.
You add the offer, buy the product, scan your receipt (and sometimes the product), and then the rebate will hit your account when they verify it. I usually see it clear very quickly, then cash out when you hit $20 into your paypal/venmo.
Ibotta is by far one of my favorite apps and definitely my favorite when comparing any other rebate apps. I haven’t found one that comes close to Ibotta. Saving money is making money in my eyes, and Ibotta makes it very easy and simple to do that.
They have rebates for SO much, so check out the app before you head to the store or browse online to see what you can save. Here’s my link if you wanna sign up! (use code: bockfrm to be teammates)
Saving Star and Checkout 51 are both online rebate apps. You either connect your shopper/grocery card or upload your receipt into the app to redeem chosen offers.
They don’t have nearly the same amount of offers as Ibotta, but I have found some things on there that I don’t see on the Ibotta app so it doesn’t hurt to check, and you might find a deal you like! I use these app on occasion but not very often.
I remember when I wanted to have vegan mayo in the fridge and I found an offer for $4.99 off the product using checkout 51. I only ended up paying $1.00 for the mayo after I got my rebate back!
I’ve had so many delicious chickpea sandwiches using that mayo! MMmMm!
Clipping or e-clipping digital coupons won’t take a lot of time if it saves you and your family money. Fred Meyer (Kroger in some areas) has a great online coupon system, and you can view the weekly ads to shop what’s on sale that week. Most other grocery stores offer something similar so check your local store or see if they have a newsletter you can be a part of for specials.
Tip: Peek through Ibotta to match any items to your in-store digital coupons or things on sale at the store. Sometimes you might find more than one way to save on the groceries and items you want to buy.
To save money on a product I want to try, I’ve emailed vegan brands before to see if a coupon might be available. It’s so nice when they write back!
You can also sign up for their email newsletter, and could likely get a coupon or discount by doing so.
I love trying new products, supporting businesses with great missions, but I also have to make sure it’s affordable and makes sense for me.
Well, there you have it. Some ways to start reducing your costs or make your trip to the grocery store easier.
Have any tips for other shoppers?
Leave a comment below or send me a message and I’ll share it to the blog!
Check out my other posts if you feel like it!
Until next time, friend,